Community Asset Transfer

Community Asset Transfer provides local people with an opportunity to turn public buildings and land into vibrant assets that cater to the needs of a specific community.

By entrusting Council-owned assets to communities in this way, we can tap into the full potential of these spaces and unlock numerous social, economic and environmental benefits for everyone involved.

Transferring assets to the community reduces the number of buildings the Council owns, enabling us to prioritise essential services through more effective allocation of resources.

It also supports our commitment to "Supporting stronger and healthier communities" by enabling communities to transforming public spaces into thriving community hubs that better reflect the aspirations of the people they serve.

Asset Register
Excel Document, 73.12 KB

What is a Community Asset Transfer?

Community Asset Transfer involves the transfer of responsibility of a building or piece of land from the Council to a community-based organisation.

That means if a community organisation thinks it can make better use of property owned by Falkirk Council, it can make a request to either buy, lease, or manage the property.

The Community Empowerment (Scotland) 2015 Act provides community organisations with the right to make requests for Council assets and sets out a clear process to follow.

Applications for Community Asset Transfer are considered on a case-by-case basis.

Who can make a request for a Community Asset Transfer?

Depending on the type of request being made there are two levels:

Level 1

A group requesting the transfer of ownership of an asset must be one of the following:

  • Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation with a least 20 community-based members and a board of trustees elected by the membership at Annual General Meetings, or
  • Community Benefit Society with registered rules and at least 20 members, or
  • Company limited by guarantee with constitutional clauses and a least 20 members with interest in the community.

Level 2

A group requesting to lease, manage or access to an asset should either be one of the groups listed above or a community-controlled constituted group with:

  • a clear definition of the community to which the group relates,
  • the majority of members from that community, whether it be a community of interest or geography,
  • membership open to anyone in that community,
  • a management committee elected by the membership using a democratic process at the Annual General Meeting,
  • a statement of the group's aims and purpose, including the promotion of a benefit to that community,
  • any surplus funds or assets of the body are to be applied for the benefit of that community.

If a group meets the eligibility criteria, they are called a Community Transfer Body.

For comprehensive information regarding the eligibility criteria, please refer to Part 5 of the Community Empowerment Act (Scotland) 2015.

What support is available?

Our Community Asset Transfer team is ready to discuss the possibilities, benefits and the process with anyone interested in asset transfer. You can email them at:

We have also partnered with third sector organisation, CVS Falkirk. CVS can provide additional support and guidance to interested parties including:

  • helping groups develop their ideas
  • supporting and advising groups through the transfer journey
  • building capacity, skills and resilience beyond the transfer

A dedicated £3 million fund is available to support community-led groups interested in asset transfer to assist with energy efficiency improvements and other necessary works, pending suitable business cases.

Additionally, we have recently launched Community Empowerment Grants, which can provide financial assistance of up to £12,500 to support groups in their CAT efforts. For more information about these grants and the CAT process, please visit

Expression of interest

Once you have located an asset that suits your community groups requirements, you can fill out the Expression of Interest Form.

Interested community groups are not obliged to fill in and return an Expression of Interest form, but it does help the Asset Transfer team when they are discussing your Asset Transfer request.

Once, completed the Expression of Interest form should be returned, along with a copy of your group's constitutional documents, to:

A Community Asset Transfer team member will be in touch to guide your next steps. All forms and associated guidance will be given to the Community Transfer Body (the eligible community groups) as appropriate.

Community Asset Transfer process

There are several stages in the Community Asset Transfer process. To help you gain a better understanding of what is involved, please read:

More information

If you have any questions about Community Asset Transfer, please contact the Community Asset Transfer team:

Are you ready
Assessing your ability as a group to take on a Community Asset Transfer.

Business Gateway
Business Gateway in Falkirk offers businesses practical help and guidance. Whether you're starting up or growing a business, Business Gateway provide access to publicly-funded business support services. Business Gateway help with Business planning, and run workshops on the topic.

Community Ownership Support Service (COSS)
A Scottish Government funded project, set up to help community based groups in Scotland take on land or buildings for their community. A wide variety of information that can assist the community by instruction on Asset Transfer.

Community Ownership Support Service: Case Studies
Examples of successful Community Asset Transfers in the UK.

CVS Falkirk
CVS Falkirk & District is recognised by Scottish Government and Falkirk Council as the third sector interface for the Falkirk area. CVS Falkirk & District have a primary role in ensuring the continuation and development of a vibrant third sector (charities, social enterprises, community and voluntary groups etc) in Falkirk.

A Collection of COSS publications on various related subjects

Scottish Government: Asset Transfer
Specific information and guidance on Community Asset Transfer from the Scottish Government.

Scottish Government: Community Empowerment
Information about the 2015 Community Empowerment Act (Scotland) from the Scottish Government.

The Benefits of Community Ownership
An entry on the various positives that can be gained from a Community asset Transfer.

What Asset
A series of COSS Pages looking at assessing what asset would be the right one for a given communities need.

Will it Deliver
COSS information about feasibility studies for Community Asset Transfer.