Executive (2013 - June 2024) Agenda - 17 October 2017, 09:30 Help

A meeting to be held at Committee Suite, Municipal Buildings, Falkirk at 09:30 on 17 October 2017.

Number Item
2Declarations of Interest

Members should declare any financial and non-financial interests they have in any item of business at the meeting, identifying the relevant agenda item and the nature of the interest.

Minute of Meeting of the Executive held on 26 September 2017.
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4Rolling Action Log  View Papers
5Motions referred to the Executive under Standing Order 31

The following motions were referred to the Executive from the meeting of Falkirk Council on 20 September 2017:-

(a) All Councillors will be aware of the problem created by anti social behaviour in our communities. Over the years the situation has become worse due to, I believe, the lack of any direct action to deal with it.

These individuals make their neighbours lives a misery and the elderly are the most vulnerable. I don't know how many people over the years who have contacted me because they simply cannot take anymore of this anti social behaviour and have given up their homes to live in peace and quiet.

I recall holding a public forum on this issue in Bonnybridge Community Centre with local MP Dennis Canavan and the Police were also present. It came as a great shock to us all when an old lady said she wished she was dead as she had had enough of the misery created by these thoughtless individuals she said she wanted out of it as she had to put up with this misery for many years. Drunks, partying, fighting you name it and nothing done to get her the peace she so badly wanted.

It has not changed because our communities are still blighted by this anti social behaviour they are still amongst us causing misery. So we must put legislation in place to deal with this as the present legislation is totally inadequate and is simply no good enough, we must toughen up on legislation and protect our communities and residents.

Therefore I would ask that we, as a Council, contact our Justice Minister and demand that legislation be brought in to protect our citizens and enable those he represents to have protection from these bullies and that they be allowed to live their life without the scourge of anti social behaviour and that Michael Matheson bring legislation before the Scottish Parliament to put an end to this anti social behaviour.

Enough is Enough.

Proposed by Councillor Buchanan

(b) The former Bonnybridge hospital site was sold off to developers for, I believe, £1.2 million.

On hearing this I contacted the NHS demanding that the money to be invested into local projects.

1. Bonnybridge Health Centre sits in off Larbert Road, Bonnybridge. It is enclosed with Hope Park, sheltered housing complex and Balhousie Wheatlands Care Home. As you know Bonnybridge and the surrounding area has grown rapidly over the past decade bringing a ma
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6Audit Committee - 28 September 2017

" Corporate Risk Management Update

Report by the Director of Corporate and Housing Services.
Leader of the Council
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7Projected Financial Position 2017/18

Report by the Director of Corporate and Housing Services.
Leader of the Council
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8Revenue Budget 2018/19 and 2019/20

Report by the Director of Corporate and Housing Services.
Leader of the Council
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9Strategic Housing Investment Plan (SHIP) 2017/22

Report by the Director of Corporate and Housing Services.
Housing Portfolio
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10Membership of Falkirk Licensing Forum

Report by the Director of Corporate and Housing Services.
Public Protection Portfolio
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