Education, Children and Young People Executive (2013 - June 2024) Agenda - 29 May 2018, 09:30 Help

A meeting to be held at Committee Suite, Municipal Buildings, Falkirk at 09:30 on 29 May 2018.

Number Item
Record of Votes View Papers
2Declarations of interest

Members should declare any financial and non-financial interests they have in any item of business at the meeting, identifying the relevant agenda item and the nature of the interest.

Minute of Meeting of the Education Executive held on 10 April 2018.
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4Rolling Action Log  View Papers
5Education Executive Membership

Report by the Director of Corporate and Housing Services.
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6Provision of Meals During Holidays for Children Entitled to Free School Meals

Report by the Director of Children's Services.
Education Portfolio
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7Early Learning and Childcare (ELC) - 2020 Expansion Plan

Report by the Director of Children's Services.
Education Portfolio
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8Exclusion Guidelines and Procedures, Service Circular No. 10

Report by the Director of Children's Services.
Education Portfolio
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9Motion referred to the Education Executive under Standing Order 31

The following motion was referred to the Education Executive from the meeting of Falkirk Council on 9 May 2018.

Family Cap

Council notes with concern the implementation of the two child limit for tax credits for children born after 05/04/17 and for new claims for Universal Credit, and in particular notes concerns over the so­called "rape clause" which, in order to receive financial support for a third child, forces women to disclosure sexual violence at a time and context not of their own choosing.

Council therefore agrees to:

(1) Write to the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions to express the concern of members of Falkirk Council and seek assurances that comprehensive equality impact assessment, fully exploring the impact of the family cap and the cumulative impact of social security changes on women, children, families and equality groups, have been carried out and that impact will continue to be closely monitored;

(2) Write to the Cabinet Secretary for Communities, Social Security and Equalities to seek assurances that the Scottish Government will commissioning ongoing national and local analysis of the impact of the family cap on key shared policy priorities such as equality, in work poverty, child poverty and health and wellbeing outcomes; and

(3) Instruct the Chief Executive to ensure the training needs of Falkirk Council staff across all departments are considered, in particular for advice and social work, to be able to approach the issue of non consensual conception of a third child with women who are making benefit claims, including appropriate referral routes, and any additional resources that required to be allocated or commissioned; and provide this report to the next full Council.

Proposed by Councillor Collie
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