Integration Joint Board - Clinical and Care Governance Committee (2018-2024) Agenda - 28 February 2020, 09:30 Help

A meeting to be held at Board Room, Denny Town House, Denny at 09:30 on 28 February 2020.

Number Item
2Declarations of Interest

Minute of Meeting of the Clinical and Care Governance
Committee held on 7 November 2019.
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4Action Log View Papers
5National Interim Framework for Adult Protection Committees for conducting a Significant Case Review

Presentation and Report by the Chief Social Work Officer and Adult Protection Lead Officer.
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6Mental Welfare Commission Visits

Report by the General Manager.
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7Quality & Safety of Care in Bo'ness Community Hospital

Report by Deputy Nurse Director, NHS Forth Valley.
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8Reducing the Risk of Falls and Falls with Harm

Report by Deputy Nurse Director.
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9Healthcare Associated Infection - Winter Performance Report

Report by Lead Nurse, Infection Prevention and Control, NHS Forth Valley.
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10Complaints, How they are Dealt with and Experiences

Update by the Head of Integration and Nurse Director.
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11The Mental Welfare Commission - Themed Visit Report to people with autism and complex needs

Report by the Head of Integration.
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12Mental Welfare Commission Scotland Investigation

Report by the Head of Integration.
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