Latest update

Implementation of the Advice Hub & Spokes – Phase 2

  • An outline plan and indicative cost has been completed and considered by the Frontline Services Group. The group agreed detailed plans should now be developed.
  • An update to Executive is planned for 8 October.

Locality Planning

  • Work continues with communities in the East and West to develop Community Action Plan including: 
    • The first stakeholder session in Grangemouth to discuss housing and poverty issues which was well received.  
    • A feedback event in Denny was well attended with positive feedback and a good level of community engagement.

Closer to Home

  • Family Support Services
    • Second Family Support Development Day was held on 28 August. This involved trades unions and staff and marked the start of a consultation period looking at how family support is delivered going forward.
  • Fostering Care Recuritment
    • Following the new recruitment focus, five new carers have been approved to date. Despite several carers retiring – four so far this year - carer numbers are sitting at 63. There are six fostering assessments underway currently. Monthly recruitment figures for August are as follows:
      • 152 fostering enquiries - 91 came via Facebook - of which 108 were closed as not suitable.  
      • 23 carers progressed to screening.
      • Six assessments commenced.
      • There have been 31 adoption enquiries, seven screening visits and one adoptive carer approved
  • Best Practice in Child Protection Systems
    • A Three-month project has been initiated to scope out existing systems in place for the delivery of intake and assessment processes and to gain a greater understanding of the customer journey when accessing Children and Families Social Work Services. 
  • Procuring for the Future
    • Costs analysis and mapping of spend (and providers) on all contract and spot purchased services has concluded and identified £14.7m for detailed segmented spend. This has been used to draft a contracts register for Children Services.
  • Supported Accommodation for Care Leavers
    • The property is to be handed back to the Council on 6 September and the final contract mobilisation meeting agreed for 18 September. 

Closer to Communities

  • Reductions to CLD’s budget have been identified and 4 staff have left under voluntary severance as part of this process.