Under 22's Free Bus Travel

If you are looking to apply for a Young Scot National Entitlement Card with free bus travel, please see the Young Persons' Free Bus Travel Scheme page.

If you are looking to apply for a Young Scot Card without free bus travel, please follow the option below relevant to your situation.

Online application

You can apply for a Young Scot Card through getyournec.scot. To use this service, you must have access to your passport or YOTI account. Full details can be found on the website.

Alternatively, if you are unable to use the above website due to not having the required ID, you can apply through the following;

You attend High School in the Falkirk area

If you attend one of Falkirk Council’s High Schools, you can apply through your school. Please speak to a staff member in the school office for an application form.

You do not attend High School in the Falkirk area

If you are no longer at High School and cannot use the application site linked above, please contact Young Scot Falkirk to enquire about the current application process.

If choosing this option, please state that you have left secondary education when emailing.