Falkirk Council Agenda - 27 March 2024, 10:00 Help

A meeting to be held at Grangemouth Community Education Unit, 69-71 Abbots Road, Grangemouth, FK3 8JB at 10:00 on 27 March 2024.

Number Item
Record of Votes View Papers
In accordance with section 43 of the Local Government in Scotland Act 2003 the Provost has directed that this meeting will be conducted in such a manner as to allow remote attendance by elected members.

The meeting will be livestreamed via the Council website at:-

2Declarations of Interest

Members should declare any financial and non-financial interests they have in any item of business at the meeting, identifying the relevant agenda item and the nature of the interest.
3Minutes and Information Bulletin
(a)Minute of Meeting of Falkirk Council held on 6 December 2023;  View Papers
(b)Minute of Special Meeting of Falkirk Council held on 31 January 2024; View Papers
(c)Minute of Special Meeting of Falkirk Council held on 28 February 2024; View Papers
(d)Volume of Minutes - Volume 3 2023/24, and View Papers
(e)Information Bulletin - Volume 3 2023/24.  View Papers
4Rolling Action Log  View Papers
5Revenue Budget 2024/25 and Capital Programme 2024/25 to 2028/29

Report by the Chief Executive, Director of Transformation, Communities and Corporate Services and Director of Place Services.
 View Papers
6Standing Orders Review - Update

Report by the Director of Transformation, Communities and Corporate Services.
 View Papers
7Review of Polling Districts and Polling Places 2023/25 - Alternative Options for Consideration

Report by the Chief Executive.
 View Papers
8Proportionality of Committee Places and Appointments to Outside Bodies

Report by the Director of Transformation, Communities and Corporate Services.
 View Papers
9Execution of Deeds

Report by the Director of Transformation, Communities and Corporate Services.
 View Papers

One motion submitted in accordance with Standing Order 29 is set out below. Motions that refer to matters within the remit of the Executive, or Education, Children and Young People Executive, will stand referred to the appropriate body, without discussion, unless:-

(1) special circumstances exist which, in opinion of the Provost (having consulted with the Council Leader and the Leader of the main Opposition groups) requires an exception to be made;

(2) two thirds of the members present vote in favour of the matter being discussed; or

(3) the motion raises an issue with significant impact on the Council area which the Provost, having consulted with the Leader of the Council and the Leaders of the main Opposition groups, considers suitable for debate at Council.

The following motion stands referred to the Executive:-
(a)Immediate Closure of Bo'ness Recreation Centre

Following the Bo'ness Recreation Centre's immediate closure, on receipt of a WPS Report into the structural integrity of the Centre's swimming pool, Councillors were extremely concerned to learn of the apparent risk to public safety. The closure would appear to have been the only option available to the Council.

Development Services Report 2019

It was therefore alarming to learn of the existence of a Development Services Report of 2019 which had identified problems with the swimming pool and had recommended, ""In view of the hazard to the public and the increased risk caused by the weakened corner of the structure, it is my opinion that the swimming pool should be closed and drained as soon as possible. Monitoring the cracks and damage would not be appropriate in these circumstances. A specialist contractor should be appointed to repair the swimming pool."

What repairs, if any, were carried out by a specialist contractor? What risk were the Council exposed to during the period of repairs being required?


Council officers are tasked to perform a full audit of all property/assets previously located within the portfolio of the Community Trust to ensure that no other facility remains a safety concern to residents and users of Council facilities.

It is concerning that the insurance liabilities of Falkirk Council may have been significant.

Proposed by Councillor McCabe View Papers