Submission History: Discharge of Planning Obligation Attached to Planning Permissions P/10/0262/PPP and P/11/0293/MSC which Restricted For All Time Coming the Use and Occupation of the Dwellinghouse now Known as Rose Cottage, Wester Mailing, Denny, FK6 5HH and Registered in the Land Register of Scotland Under Title Ref STG65305, as Accommodation for Persons (or the Child or Co-habitant Thereof) Solely or Mainly Working, or Last Working, in the Locality in Agriculture at Rose Cottage, Wester Mailing, Denny, FK6 5HH for Mr Kevin Mowatt - P/24/0189/75D Help Icon

This is the history for the submission "Discharge of Planning Obligation Attached to Planning Permissions P/10/0262/PPP and P/11/0293/MSC which Restricted For All Time Coming the Use and Occupation of the Dwellinghouse now Known as Rose Cottage, Wester Mailing, Denny, FK6 5HH and Registered in the Land Register of Scotland Under Title Ref STG65305, as Accommodation for Persons (or the Child or Co-habitant Thereof) Solely or Mainly Working, or Last Working, in the Locality in Agriculture at Rose Cottage, Wester Mailing, Denny, FK6 5HH for Mr Kevin Mowatt - P/24/0189/75D".

It shows every meeting that the submission went before and links to the agenda for those meetings.

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Planning 12/06/2024 Click here