Executive (2013 - June 2024) Agenda - 19 October 2021, 10:00 Help

A meeting to be held at Remote at 10:00 on 19 October 2021.

Number Item
Record of Votes View Papers
In accordance with Section 43 of the Local Government in Scotland Act 2003 the Convener has directed that this meeting will be conducted in such a manner as to allow remote attendance by elected members.

In accordance with Section 50A of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973 the public are excluded from this meeting as it is likely that, if members of the public were present, there would be a real and substantial risk to public health due to infection or contamination with coronavirus.

The meeting will be livestreamed via the Council website at:-

2Declarations of Interest

Members should declare any financial and non-financial interests they have in any item of business at the meeting, identifying the relevant agenda item and the nature of the interest.

Minute of Meeting of the Executive held on 5 October 2021.
 View Papers
4Rolling Action Log  View Papers
5Motion referred to the Executive under Standing Order 31
The following motion was referred to the Executive from the meeting of Falkirk Council on 29 September 2021

Fair Work Practices

This council notes:-

" 1 in 10 workers have experienced 'fire and rehire' - told to reapply for their jobs on worse pay, terms and conditions or face the sack, with BME workers facing this at twice the rate of white workers, since March 2020 (TUC research, January 2021). A quarter of all workers have experienced a worsening of their terms and conditions - including a cut in their pay - since the pandemic began.

" That while the prime minister has called the practice "unacceptable" he has continually refused to take action to outlaw the practice, raising concerns that he will not intervene in this race to the bottom as an escalating number of employers across all sectors using our weak employment protections employers as they force their staff to accept worse terms and conditions, leaving many having to work longer hours and for lower pay, with what can be devastating consequences for workers and their families.

" Even before the pandemic, 1 in 9 workers - 3.8 million people - were already 'insecure', meaning they did not have access to basic rights at work and could be dismissed at will; including those on zero hour contracts and agency workers.

This council therefore resolves to:-

" Ensure local residents are protected against such unscrupulous employers and agrees to ask the Leader of the Council to write to the Prime Minister demanding he outlaw fire and rehire and act now to keep his promise to local residents to protect their employment terms and conditions.

" Not use fire and rehire (dismissal and re-engagement) itself as an employer and to ensure the council has a procurement practice that promotes fair work practices, and good trade union, equality and environmental practices.

" Promote the increasing number of progressive local employers prioritising their employees' standard of living and their wellbeing, work with our anchor institutions and key partners to bring forward plans to ensure all have best practice employment and to work with recognised trade unions on this.

" Support the TUC campaign for a 'New Deal for Working People'.

" Asks for a report back on work undertaken in relation to procurement practices that promote fair work practices (including not hiring and refiring) and encouraging progressive employers.

Proposed by Councillor Nimmo
 View Papers
6Local Housing Strategy 2017-2020 Annual Review

Report by the Director of Corporate and Housing Services.
Housing Portfolio
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7Scottish Housing Regulatory Annual Assurance Statement

Report by the Director of Corporate and Housing Services.
Housing Portfolio
 View Papers
8Strategic Housing Investment Plan 2022/23 to 2026/27

Report by the Director of Corporate and Housing Services.
Housing Portfolio
 View Papers
9Kinneil Walled Garden Masterplan

Report by the Acting Director of Development Services.
Leader of the Council
 View Papers
10Community Council Elections 2021

Report by the Director of Corporate and Housing Services.
Leader of the Council
 View Papers
11Capital Programmes Update Report

Report by the Director of Corporate and Housing Services.
Leader of the Council
 View Papers
12Projected Financial Position 2021/22

Report by the Director of Corporate and Housing Services.
Leader of the Council
 View Papers
13Treasury Management - Interim Review 2021/22

Report by the Director of Corporate and Housing Services.
Resources Portfolio
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14Budget Update

Report by the Director of Corporate and Housing Services.
Leader of the Council
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15Land Surplus to Requirements - Westfield, Town House Street, Denny

Report by the Acting Director of Development Services.
Economic Development Portfolio
 View Papers
16Exclusion of Public

If so resolved in terms of Section 50A(4) of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973, exclude from the meeting the press and public for the following items of business on the grounds that it involves the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraphs 8 &9 of Part 1 of Schedule 7 of the said Act.
17Falkirk Gateway Update Report

Report by the Acting Director of Development Services.
Economic Development Portfolio

Extract of draft minute of the meeting of the Executive held on 5 October 2021.
19Gas Connection Cost Recovery

Report by the Director of Corporate and Housing Services.
Leader of the Council