Submission History: Proposed by Councillor Reid Council agrees that street name signs should identify in brief the provenance of the name as is common in other countries, particularly when it is the name of a person. Council agrees that this practice would be a useful addition to local history and instil a greater sense of community. Council agrees that this should apply to any future names and that there should be retrospective application also, where possible and appropriate. Environment Portfolio Help Icon

This is the history for the submission "Proposed by Councillor Reid Council agrees that street name signs should identify in brief the provenance of the name as is common in other countries, particularly when it is the name of a person. Council agrees that this practice would be a useful addition to local history and instil a greater sense of community. Council agrees that this should apply to any future names and that there should be retrospective application also, where possible and appropriate. Environment Portfolio".

It shows every meeting that the submission went before and links to the agenda for those meetings.

Committee Meeting View Agenda
Executive (2013 - June 2024) 27/08/2019 Click here