Submission History: Older People Council notes that as a result of changes made by the First Minister to ministerial portfolios the role of Minister for Equalities and Older People has been replaced with a Minister for Equalities, Migrants and Refugees. Whilst we totally support the importance of migrants and refugees, we should not be down grading the importance of Older People in our community by removing the role of a named minister . Falkirk Council is disappointed Older Persons issues may receive less focus, by this action, at a time when our older population is growing and facing greater challenges than ever before. Age Scotland, along with 15 partner organisations, has sent an open letter to the First Minister calling for the reinstatement of a NAMED Older Persons Minister. FALKIRK COUNCIL agrees to support The Age Scotland campaign. Further Falkirk Council instructs the Chief Executive Officer to write to the First Minister, on our behalf, to ask for the reinstatement of a named Older Persons Minister. Proposed by Councillor Kelly Help Icon

This is the history for the submission "Older People Council notes that as a result of changes made by the First Minister to ministerial portfolios the role of Minister for Equalities and Older People has been replaced with a Minister for Equalities, Migrants and Refugees. Whilst we totally support the importance of migrants and refugees, we should not be down grading the importance of Older People in our community by removing the role of a named minister . Falkirk Council is disappointed Older Persons issues may receive less focus, by this action, at a time when our older population is growing and facing greater challenges than ever before. Age Scotland, along with 15 partner organisations, has sent an open letter to the First Minister calling for the reinstatement of a NAMED Older Persons Minister. FALKIRK COUNCIL agrees to support The Age Scotland campaign. Further Falkirk Council instructs the Chief Executive Officer to write to the First Minister, on our behalf, to ask for the reinstatement of a named Older Persons Minister. Proposed by Councillor Kelly".

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Falkirk Council 28/06/2023 Click here