Submission History: Permitted Development Procedures The planning legislation allows significant scope to use Permitted Development Rights regarding planning matters. This is concerning. The use and the extent of permitted development rights has led to a level of ambiguity in certain planning decisions which should be of concern to all Councillors whether serving on the Planning Committee or not. Council is asked to refer this issue to the Scrutiny Committee to consider. Councillors must have confidence in the Planning process. Proposed by Councillor McCabe. Help Icon

This is the history for the submission "Permitted Development Procedures The planning legislation allows significant scope to use Permitted Development Rights regarding planning matters. This is concerning. The use and the extent of permitted development rights has led to a level of ambiguity in certain planning decisions which should be of concern to all Councillors whether serving on the Planning Committee or not. Council is asked to refer this issue to the Scrutiny Committee to consider. Councillors must have confidence in the Planning process. Proposed by Councillor McCabe.".

It shows every meeting that the submission went before and links to the agenda for those meetings.

Committee Meeting View Agenda
Executive (2013 - June 2024) 16/01/2024 Click here