Submission History: Uptake of FLEX We currently have no uptake of FLEX in the Falkirk area. Also known as Local Authority Eligibility Flexibility - this scheme helps homeowners or private tenants with the installation of home energy efficiency measures. The scheme will help improve the least energy efficient homes in the Local Authority Area, so helping meet the Government's fuel poverty and net zero commitments. The flexible approach for Local authorities (LA's) in identifying fuel poor and vulnerable households, who may benefit from heating and energy savings measures, is referred to as ECO4 FLEX. Officers are asked to report back to a future meeting on what grant funding may be available to Council residents and on proposals to publicise these where they exist. Proposed by Councillor Spears. Help Icon

This is the history for the submission "Uptake of FLEX We currently have no uptake of FLEX in the Falkirk area. Also known as Local Authority Eligibility Flexibility - this scheme helps homeowners or private tenants with the installation of home energy efficiency measures. The scheme will help improve the least energy efficient homes in the Local Authority Area, so helping meet the Government's fuel poverty and net zero commitments. The flexible approach for Local authorities (LA's) in identifying fuel poor and vulnerable households, who may benefit from heating and energy savings measures, is referred to as ECO4 FLEX. Officers are asked to report back to a future meeting on what grant funding may be available to Council residents and on proposals to publicise these where they exist. Proposed by Councillor Spears.".

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Executive (2013 - June 2024) 16/01/2024 Click here