Submission History: Council Structures In light of the recent Audit Scotland annual 2012/13 report on Falkirk Council, where as state that, "……… continuation of the current situation could undermine local governance and scrutiny arrangements and cause reputational damage to the council", it is imperative that Council take immediate remedial steps. The current system fails to meet this criteria on a number of counts, as averred to in Audit Scotland's critical annual report. Motion It is the wish of Council that a structures system be introduced which is inclusive; transparent; accountable; and respected by Audit Scotland; SOLACE and any other professional body dealing with the council. The system must be based on a democratic structure with the capacity to provide scrutiny of the political Administration. In the interim, Council will revert back to the previous proven structures of Full Council and Committee structures prior to March 2013, until the new structures system is agreed and adopted by Full Council. The new agreed decision making structures must be in place for 1st March 2014. Proposed by Councillor Brian McCabe Help Icon

This is the history for the submission "Council Structures In light of the recent Audit Scotland annual 2012/13 report on Falkirk Council, where as state that, "……… continuation of the current situation could undermine local governance and scrutiny arrangements and cause reputational damage to the council", it is imperative that Council take immediate remedial steps. The current system fails to meet this criteria on a number of counts, as averred to in Audit Scotland's critical annual report. Motion It is the wish of Council that a structures system be introduced which is inclusive; transparent; accountable; and respected by Audit Scotland; SOLACE and any other professional body dealing with the council. The system must be based on a democratic structure with the capacity to provide scrutiny of the political Administration. In the interim, Council will revert back to the previous proven structures of Full Council and Committee structures prior to March 2013, until the new structures system is agreed and adopted by Full Council. The new agreed decision making structures must be in place for 1st March 2014. Proposed by Councillor Brian McCabe".

It shows every meeting that the submission went before and links to the agenda for those meetings.

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Falkirk Council 11/12/2013 Click here