Data protection

We need to hold accurate personal information about you to enable us provide you with the best services. Information which is about you, and from which you can be identified, is known as your "personal data" and may include your name, contact details, and information held on a personnel file or social work records. It may also include your image, for example on CCTV footage.

We are committed to protecting your personal data and complying with data protection legislation, which covers the collection, storage, processing, distribution and destruction of personal data. As a controller of personal data, we are registered with the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO).

We have a data protection policy and information security policy in place.

We also have information about how we handle personal data on our privacy page.

Use of your personal data

We will use your details to provide you with the service which you or someone else has asked us to provide. We may also share information with partner organisations, such as the NHS, to provide you with better services and / or to plan for the delivery of improved integrated services.

We may also use your details for the purposes of crime prevention and crime detection and/or when required by law and will share it with other public bodies for that purpose.

You can find out more about how we use your personal data on our privacy page.

Making a request to see your personal data

You have a right to see certain information held by us about you. A request to see information held about you is known as a "subject access request".

Alternatively, please write to us at the address given or send us a personal data request form. Please be specific about what you want and provide proof of your identity (preferably a copy of your driving licence or passport).

Proof of identity

We can only give personal data to people who are entitled to it, which is why we ask for proof of identity. A copy of your driving licence or passport is preferable. In some cases, we may need to see the originals and/or ask for further proof.

If you do not hold a passport or driving licence please contact us at to discuss alternative forms of identification.

How we process your request

We have one month to respond to your request (which we can extend by a further 2 months if your request is complex or we have received a number of requests from you). There are exemptions in the legislation which may mean that we do not need to comply with all, or part, of your request.

If you are not happy with how we deal with your request, please let us know and we will try to resolve your complaint. If you are still not happy, you should contact the Information Commissioner's Office.

Right to complain leaflet (PDF, 102.4KB)