Licensing Board
Falkirk Council Licensing Board deals with the granting of licences for the sale and supply of alcohol and for various gambling activities.
The members of the Board are appointed by Falkirk Council.
The Convener of the Licensing Board is the Provost Robert Bissett and the Depute Convener is Councillor Bryan Deakin.
The Clerk to the Licensing Board is Colin Moodie.
Applications are made to the Licensing Section which provides the day to day administrative support to the Board.
At its meeting on 25 October 2023, the Board approved a new Statement of Licensing Policy. The new policy makes a number of important changes and it is essential that all applicants and agents read the statement of licensing policy prior to making an application.
The Licensing Board meets monthly except January and July.
All meetings start at 10:00am unless otherwise advised and are currently taking place remotely.
Guidance on attending a meeting can be found below:
The Licensing Board has a statutory duty to prepare and publish an annual financial report and a functions report not later than 3 months after the end of the financial year. The financial report must provide a statement of relevant income received by the Board during the financial year and the amount of relevant expenditure incurred in the year. An explanation of how the amounts were calculated must be included. The functions report provides clarity and transparency in relation to the work undertaken by the Board during the financial year.
The statutory reports which are approved by the Board are available to download below.