Pest control

Falkirk Council does not provide a pest control service.

It is usually the owner or the occupier of the land or property who is responsible for ensuring that infestations are eradicated. You are advised to engage your own pest control contractor.

Pest control contractors

Pest control and other services are available to citizens and businesses via the National Buy With Confidence (BWC) scheme, overseen by local authority Trading Standards teams. BWC members are audited by Trading Standards to ensure they comply with appropriate legislation, undergo credit and police checks and businesses must hold basic disclosures for their staff.

Alternatively, you may find the BPCA website's Find a Pest Controller service useful to find a trained and insured Pest Controller.

The Council also has worked with other local pest control companies who are not yet listed in either scheme but have provided appropriate service so whilst there are reassurances provided by both schemes there are other reputable providers locally.

Controlling pests yourself

There are things you can do to control pests (insects or animals causing harm or nuisance) on your property. If you choose to control the pests yourself, you can:

  • only trap or kill permitted animals
  • use permitted methods to kill animals
  • only use poison to kill the pests it's intended for - this will be written on the packaging
  • only use traps that have been approved for use with the species you want to control - you must follow the instructions for use

You can be fined or imprisoned if you cause unnecessary harm to any animal.

Get professional advice if you don't know:

  • which animals you're permitted to trap or kill
  • how to use control methods (eg traps and poisons) correctly

The British Pest Control Association (BPCA) lists what you can use to control specific pests.

Protecting other wildlife from harm

You must protect other animals from traps or poison you put down for pests by:

  • placing lethal traps under cover or so that other animals and birds aren't caught
  • preventing wildlife from eating poison you've put down

Keeping your house and business pest free

A few top tips to help keep your home and business pest free:

  • Wipe kitchen surfaces, clean up any food, and throw away uneaten pet food waste
  • Keep foodstuffs covered
  • Keeping your home ventilated, by regularly opening windows for example, helps prevent bug breeding grounds – fresh air prevents warm, humid areas being created
  • Block up any cracks and crevices
  • Keep an eye on your pets - fleas are common and can be managed by the use of flea treatments


Rats are one of the most commonly reported pest concerns. They live in close association with other animals and humans and are usually nocturnal but may been seen in search of food and water during the day. They can transmit diseases to humans and can contaminate food intended for humans. They can also cause damage to buildings and other structures by gnawing and burrowing.

In favourable conditions where there is a good food supply, populations can grow rapidly, particularly in Spring and Autumn.

However, rats are less likely to remain in a location with an inadequate food supply to sustain them and removing accessible food sources is critical to their control.


  • Do not feed wild birds or wild animals outdoors particularly in the warmer months when they have an abundant natural food supply – you may be feeding rats as well.
  • In the cooler months, only feed wild birds or wild animals outdoors from an off the ground feeder and remove any ground spillage regularly and at least daily.
  • Do not leave household waste where rats can get at it. Food and food waste should be stored in sealed containers, including compost bins.
  • Having a good housekeeping system for any outdoor pets, e.g. rabbits in hutches, chickens or pigeons in lofts. Poor housekeeping can easily result in a rat infestation.

Home Access

  • Identify and repair damaged pipework and seal any gaps around pipes and under sheds, as rats only need a gap of 15mm to gain entry to a structure.
  • Focus on low level gaps first as these are the most likely areas for rats to enter. You can then consider any higher up vents or gaps.
  • Check around pipes and windows, and double check basements.
  • Ensure that the drain inspection covers are in place and are in good repair.
  • Proofing all means of entry as best possible will help to prevent an infestation in the home.


  • Remove potential nesting sites by keeping gardens clean and tidy, and by cutting back overgrown areas.
  • Stored materials should ideally be kept well off the ground and away from walls to make access harder and identification of infestation easier.


Bats are a protected species. It's an offence to disturb or destroy bats, or any place they're living (roosting), even if it's inside your home. If you feel your need advice you should consult with Nature Scot before doing anything which might affect bats or their roosts.

Insect infestations: including ants and wasps

These tend to be seasonal e.g. wasp nests. Some infestations can be treated with insecticides available from hardware stores, garden centres etc. Always follow the instructions and health and safety advice on the label.


Bees are not considered a pest, unless they pose a risk to people e.g. swarming in a house or chimney. Contact your local beekeepers who will arrange to take honeybees away.


We recognise that they are a growing concern for many communities.

Gulls can bring many problems to communities such as noise, fouling, property damage and can become aggressive especially in summer when they are nesting.

The biggest deterrent is not providing food sources for gulls and ensuring that any waste food is disposed of correctly in closed containers.

There is helpful advice and background information on the RSPB website that explains the law in relation to birds and general advice about how to deal with the problem.