Mediation service is a voluntary service and helps neighbours to resolve their difficulties.

We also offer family mediation to help young people who may be thinking of leaving home. We can help parents and young people talk through their difficulties and help find the best solution.

Mediation and Intervention Officers are specially trained and work as an impartial third party. They help neighbours communicate and reach their own agreements. For mediation to help, you and your neighbour must show a willingness and desire to find a solution.

Mediation is an equal process so that everyone is treated fairly. Each person is listened to and gets the chance to hear the other person's point of view.

Our mediation Service is:

  • Free - You have nothing to lose, unlike legal proceedings we offer a free service
  • Confidential - We are a confidential service (with the exception of information relating to child protection and fraudulent or criminal activity)
  • Specialist - Our Mediation Officers are highly skilled and professionally trained
  • Committed - We are committed to providing a quality service to meet your needs

Our Mediation Service provides you with a safe environment for you to discuss your concerns.

Mediation helps you make practical agreements that you and your neighbour can live with. It is you and your neighbour that have to live together so you reach the agreements that work for you both.

The mediation process gives you the power to reach these agreements.

What happens in mediation?

Mediation is a step-by-step process.

When we receive an enquiry a representative from the Mediation Service will contact you as soon as possible.

After discussion, if your case is right for mediation and you are in agreement to proceed, we will contact your neighbour.

If your neighbour is also willing to proceed we will begin the process.

Home visits

At the home visit we will hear your view of the situation, listen to what you would like for the future and discuss how we can help.

After the home visits, if everyone is in agreement we will move on to one of the following:

  • Joint mediation sessions
  • Shuttle mediation sessions

Joint mediation sessions

The Mediation and Intervention Officers will meet you and your neighbour together at a neutral venue.

At the meeting the Mediation and Intervention Officer will help you and your neighbour share information and hopefully reach a friendly solution.

Shuttle mediation sessions

When appropriate, the Mediation and Intervention Officers can offer shuttle mediation as an alternative to joint mediation.

Shuttle Mediation is where the Mediation and Intervention Officers helps you and your neighbour exchange information without you having to meet your neighbour. The Mediation and Intervention Officer will communicate on you and your neighbour’s behalf to help resolve the situation.

Noise level setting

Sometimes neighbours are unaware of what is an acceptable level of noise. If needed, the Mediation and Intervention Officers can work together with you and your neighbour to find a level of volume for the television, hi-fi or games equipment that will suit you both.

The Mediation and Intervention Officer does not decide if the noise is acceptable or not, you and your neighbour will decide this.

Mediation Service
The Forum Callendar Boulevard Callendar Business Park Falkirk FK1 1XR