Industrial Injuries Disablement Benefit
Industrial injuries disablement benefit is the main industrial injuries benefit and is paid to compensate those who have suffered disablement from a 'loss of physical or mental facility' caused by an industrial accident or prescribed disease either:
- at work
- on an approved employment training scheme or course
The amount you may get depends on your individual circumstances.
What you'll get↑
The level of your disability will affect the amount of benefit you may get. This will be assessed by a 'medical advisor' on a scale of 1 to 100%.
Normally you must be assessed as 14% disabled or more to get the benefit.
For a guide on the weekly amounts visit Injuries Disablement Benefit: What you'll get - GOV.UK.
You may be able to claim Industrial Injuries Disablement Benefit (IIDB) if:
- you were employed when the accident or event happened
- you were on an approved employment training scheme or course when the accident or event happened
- the work accident or event that caused your illness or disability happened in England, Scotland or Wales
There are some exceptions you can ask the Industrial Injuries Disablement Benefit centre about.
You can claim IIDB if you were employed in a job or were on an approved employment training scheme or course that caused your disease. The scheme covers more than 70 diseases, including:
- asthma
- chronic bronchitis or emphysema - also known as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
- deafness
- pneumoconiosis (including silicosis and asbestosis)
- osteoarthritis of the knee in coal miners
- prescribed disease A11 (previously known as vibration white finger)
- Dupuytren's contracture
The scheme also covers asbestos related diseases including:
- pneumoconiosis (asbestosis)
- diffuse mesothelioma
- primary carcinoma of the lung with asbestosis
- primary carcinoma of the lung without asbestosis but where there has been extensive occupational exposure to asbestos in specified occupations
- unilateral or bilateral diffuse pleural thickening
You can get a full list of illnesses from the Industrial Injuries Disablement Benefit centre.
How to claim↑
You'll need to fill in and post a claim form.
The form comes with notes that:
- help you fill it in
- tell you where to send it
Download and print a claim form↑
To claim for:
- accidents caused by work - form BI100A
- diseases caused by work - form BI100PD
Request a claim form by phone↑
You can ask Barnsley Industrial Injuries Disablement Benefit (IIDB) Centre to send you a claim form.
Relay UK (if you cannot hear or speak on the phone): 18001 then 0800 121 8379
Alternative formats↑
Call to ask for alternative formats, such as braille, large print or audio CD.