Executive Agenda - 22 August 2024, 10:00 Help

A meeting to be held at Grangemouth Community Education Unit, 69-71 Abbots Road, Grangemouth, FK3 8JB at 10:00 on 22 August 2024.

Number Item
Record of Votes View Papers
Motions & Amendments View Papers
In accordance with section 43 of the Local Government in Scotland Act 2003 the Convener has directed that this meeting will be conducted in such a manner as to allow remote attendance by elected members.

The meeting will be livestreamed at: https://www.falkirk.gov.uk/live
2Declarations of Interest

Members should declare any financial and non-financial interests they have in any item of business at the meeting, identifying the relevant agenda item and the nature of the interest.
(a)Minute of the Education, Children and Young People Executive held on 28 May 2024; and  View Papers
(b)Minute of Meeting of the Executive held on 11 June 2024.  View Papers
4Rolling Action Log View Papers
5Forth Green Freeport

Report by the Director of Place Services.
Economic Development Portfolio
 View Papers
6Callendar Park Management Plan (2024 - 2034)

Report by the Director of Place Services.
Economic Development Portfolio
 View Papers
7Council Tax Second Homes Levy

Report by the Director of Transformation, Communities & Corporate Services.
Leader of the Council
 View Papers
8Treasury Management Annual Review 2023/24

Report by the Director of Transformation, Communities & Corporate Services.
Leader of the Council
 View Papers
9Revenue Financial Projection 2024/25

Report by the Director of Transformation, Communities & Corporate Services.
Leader of the Council
 View Papers
10Capital Programmes Update Report

Report by the Director of Transformation, Communities & Corporate Services.
Leader of the Council
 View Papers
11Participation in Scottish Procurement Framework for the Supply on Natural Gas (SP-23-03)

Report by the Director of Place Services.
Leader of the Council
 View Papers
12Sale of Land at Former Municipal Buildings / Falkirk Town Hall, West Bridge Street (A803), Falkirk

Report by the Director of Place Services.
Economic Development Portfolio
 View Papers
13Motions referred to the Executive under Standing Order 29

Bo'ness Town Centre

Council recognises the challenges faced by Bo'ness town centre due to the difficult UK-wide economic conditions, and the pressures faced by retail operators. Officers are asked to consider what interventions could be implemented to support Bo'ness Town Centre moving forward - to include a potential master-planning exercise similar to Falkirk and Grangemouth.

Council agrees that a report should come back to Executive as soon as possible to enable Elected Members to agree an approach that protects the centre, and offers opportunities for growth and that the report should explore options for the future use of a refreshed Regeneration Fund to support a master plan for Bo'ness town centre, noting the success of the current fund in relation to Slammanan, Bonnybridge, Bainsford and Langlees and Dunipace.

Proposed by Councillor Devine