Submission History: Motion referred to the Executive under Standing Order 31 The following motion was referred to the Executive from the meeting of Falkirk Council on 9 May 2018:- Single Use Plastics Council recognises the efforts of volunteers across our communities who have been engaging in "Spring Clean" litterˇpicks over recent weeks and thanks all those involved for their determination to make a positive contribution to their community and the environment. Council further notes the damaging amount of single use disposable plastics, such as plastic drinking straws, which have been detected along our own foreshores, and which have been highlighted as a global problem for our environment, with particularly damaging consequences for marine life. Council recognises the efforts of campaigns such as "The Final Straw" campaign, aimed at minimising the environmental damage caused by single use disposable plastics and resolves to take a lead locally in combating unnecessary plastic pollution. Council instructs officers to undertake an immediate review to establish where single use disposable plastics, such as plastic straws and hot beverage stirrers, are in use across all Council facilities and services. The results of this review should be reported to the Council's Executive at the earliest opportunity following completion with a report on progress provided to the Executive prior to summer recess. The report will advise on where immediate removal of such items can be practically and commercially achieved and where further work is necessary to put into effect the desire of Council to minimise all unnecessary procurement of single use disposable plastics. In doing so, officers will consult with disability advisors to ensure that all those who require the use of straws or other single use disposable plastic items, due to their disability, will have easy access to a suitable alternative where possible, or continue to be able to access plastic items where no alternative is deemed appropriate. Council notes the efforts of other councils to implement similar policies and will liaise with partners at Scotland Excel on the best procurement options available to make any necessary transitions as cost effective as possible. Help Icon

This is the history for the submission "Motion referred to the Executive under Standing Order 31 The following motion was referred to the Executive from the meeting of Falkirk Council on 9 May 2018:- Single Use Plastics Council recognises the efforts of volunteers across our communities who have been engaging in "Spring Clean" litterˇpicks over recent weeks and thanks all those involved for their determination to make a positive contribution to their community and the environment. Council further notes the damaging amount of single use disposable plastics, such as plastic drinking straws, which have been detected along our own foreshores, and which have been highlighted as a global problem for our environment, with particularly damaging consequences for marine life. Council recognises the efforts of campaigns such as "The Final Straw" campaign, aimed at minimising the environmental damage caused by single use disposable plastics and resolves to take a lead locally in combating unnecessary plastic pollution. Council instructs officers to undertake an immediate review to establish where single use disposable plastics, such as plastic straws and hot beverage stirrers, are in use across all Council facilities and services. The results of this review should be reported to the Council's Executive at the earliest opportunity following completion with a report on progress provided to the Executive prior to summer recess. The report will advise on where immediate removal of such items can be practically and commercially achieved and where further work is necessary to put into effect the desire of Council to minimise all unnecessary procurement of single use disposable plastics. In doing so, officers will consult with disability advisors to ensure that all those who require the use of straws or other single use disposable plastic items, due to their disability, will have easy access to a suitable alternative where possible, or continue to be able to access plastic items where no alternative is deemed appropriate. Council notes the efforts of other councils to implement similar policies and will liaise with partners at Scotland Excel on the best procurement options available to make any necessary transitions as cost effective as possible. ".

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Executive (2013 - June 2024) 12/06/2018 Click here