Small Grants programme

The Community Choices Small Grants programme offers community groups the opportunity to suggest project and activity ideas they want to make happen and to receive public funds in their ward to do it.

The programme supports groups with a project idea that will make a difference to people living in the Falkirk area. Examples of successful projects range from a local youth theatre to a dementia support group. Also successful in securing funds were local youth organisations, a mental health support charity and numerous local sports clubs.

Who can apply?

Constituted community groups and organisation are eligible. Funds up to £5000 are available if you are successful in the public vote.

Constituted groups or clubs
Registered charities
Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisations (SCIO's)
Not for profit companies
Community Interest companies (CIC's) with no private benefit.
Community Councils
Community Trusts
Private businesses and individuals are not eligible to apply. While faith-based organisations may apply, we cannot fund the practice of religion, or any activities that actively promote religion or particular belief systems. We cannot fund activities that are exclusive to only those who practice that religion.

Your organisation should have:

  • A group constitution
  • A group bank account and 3 months of bank statements
  • A recent set of independently examined Annual Accounts (or management accounts if the group is less than 1 year old

It may be possible to connect an idea to an existing group if that might be needed. Please get in touch early to discuss with us and we can help. Some types of projects are excluded in this round of Community Choices and are therefore not eligible:

  • improvements to public parks and installation of play equipment
  • school-based projects
  • CCTV

Application form

The Small Grant Fund aims to make communities fairer, healthier, more connected and more inclusive and your group can put forward your project ideas under any of these aims.

Since 2020, the public vote for the Small Grants fund of Community Choices has resulted in funds being awarded to 86 community projects.

Small Grants Application Form
Word Document, 82.57 KB

Where to get help

  • The Community Choices team can help with any questions about the process by emailing:
  • For help with your application form or lease inquiries, Community Learning and Development (CLD) at Falkirk Council. Contact Frank McChord:
  • For independent advice on Group Constitution, Bank Accounts, assets etc. Look at CVS Falkirk and Districts website: CVS Falkirk & District or email
  • For Planning Services and Planning related inquiries visit the Do I Need Planning Permission? page or email