Housing allocations
Applying for a Council house↑
To apply for a council house you need to fill out an application form. Anyone over the age of 16 can apply.
We do not have enough housing for everyone that applies. There are currently around 10,000 applications on the housing list, but only around 1,200 council properties become available to let each year.
We assess everyone who applies for housing and award a priority based on their housing need. Even if you have a high priority, you may still have to wait a while before you are made an offer of a house.
The quickest and easiest way to apply is through Housing Online. You will need a myaccount to sign up, which you will already have if you use MyFalkirk.
Already signed up↑
If you are already signed up to Housing Online, you can access this directly:
If you cannot get online, you can ask for a paper application form.
You can also download an application form:
You can also visit one of our libraries, for help with completing the form online.
We will assess the information you have given us and we will contact you to tell you:
- How to bid for a house on Homespot
- What priority you have been awarded (Band 1, 2, 3 or 4)
- Which applicant group you are in (Home Seeker, Home Mover or Home Starter, adapted, or Housing with Care Level 3)
- Any information we still need from you
- How to enquire or appeal against our decision.
If you would like further information on any of the above please see our frequently asked questions.