About Council Tax

Frequently asked questions

How can I pay my Council Tax?

How will I know when I should pay Council Tax?

We will send you a bill each March, or shortly after you first become liable to pay, telling you how much you have to pay.

Council Tax is due by 10 monthly instalments each year from 1st April to 1st January. If this doesn't suit you, set up a direct debit to pay weekly, fortnightly, four-weekly or monthly on a day/date to suit you.

Who is responsible for paying Council Tax?

In the majority of cases the owner or tenant is the responsible person. If a house is empty or if it is no one's main residence, the owner of the property is responsible. If the property is jointly owned, then both owners are responsible for paying council tax.

How do you decide where my main residence is?

Most people only have one house, so this is their main residence.

If you are involved with more than one property for any reason, we will ask you for more information to help us decide which is your main residence.

Why is the Council Tax banding higher on my 1-bedroom flat than my friend's 3-bedroom semi?

Your council tax banding depends on the estimated value of the house at 1991 prices, not the number of bedrooms. The band depends upon the area you live in and the size and type of the property.

Who decides the band of my property?

The Assessor for Central Scotland places all residential properties in a valuation band based on the estimated value of the property at 1991 prices. If the property was built after 1991 the Assessor makes an estimate as to what the market value would have been. If you don’t agree with the band your property has been put into you should contact the Assessor on 01786 892200.

Will my Council Tax band be increased if I build an extension onto my house?

Currently, any alterations or extensions will not affect the Council Tax valuation band until the property is sold.

How can I stop getting council tax bills for my old address?

If you were a tenant at the address, please contact us with the name of your landlord and the date your tenancy ended. If you owned the property, please contact us with the date the property was sold and the name of the buyer.

What should I do with council tax bills for the person who stayed here before me?

Return the bill to the address shown on the envelope and contact us if you know a forwarding address.

Who do I contact to query my water and sewerage charges?

Scottish Water, for more information see water and waste water charges.

I have lost my job and can't pay my Council Tax. What should I do?

Contact us on 01324 506070. You may be able to claim a Council Tax reduction.

How can I find out which dates my Council Tax is due?

Please see your most recent bill. If you do not pay by direct debit, your monthly payments will run from April to January and are due on or before the 1st of each month.

How can I find out how much Council Tax I have paid or have still to pay?

Please contact us and we will be able to advise you.

Can I change the date of my Council Tax direct debit?

Yes. You can Change your Direct Debit details on My Falkirk, or call us on 01324 506070.

Can I pay my Council Tax over 12 months instead of 10 months?

Yes. You can pay your Council Tax over 12 months if you set up a direct debit. If direct debit doesn't suit you, please let us know and we can talk about other options.

I think I have paid too much council tax. How do I get it back?

If you are entitled to a refund, please complete our Council Tax - Request a refund form and we will arrange a refund to be made into your bank account.

I own a property and rent it out. Who should advise the Council?

As the owner of the property, it is up to you to advise us if someone is renting your house or you will be responsible for paying the Council Tax.

If my tenant doesn't pay their council tax, will I be responsible?

If you have provided us with details of the tenant and the tenancy start date, we will pursue the tenant for the outstanding Council Tax.

I'm going to work abroad and will be renting out my house. Do I still have to pay Council Tax?

No. If you are renting out your property your tenant will be responsible for paying the Council Tax.

What exemptions can be claimed on Council Tax when there is a death?

See the council tax discount and exemptions page for more information.

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