Discharging conditions
Most planning applications contain planning conditions that need to be addressed. This could be conditions that are worded 'prior to the commencement of development on site', 'prior to occupation' or 'within a specific timescale' for example. There are different categories of conditions which have different roles and requirements.
Categories of conditions
- Pre-commencement
- During construction
- Pre-occupation
- During use/operation into the future
While each condition varies, usually pre-commencement and pre-occupation conditions need information to be submitted to us for approval before the development can move to the next stage. This process is known as the discharge or partial discharge of conditions.
The final discharge of conditions can only happen once the development has been completed in line with approved details. While other forms of conditions should be discharged 'operational conditions' cannot be. Operational conditions (as the name suggests) run for the entirety of the use/operation of the land or development.
For this service, the fee is £115 per request. Multiple conditions can be discharged under one application to discharge, providing that a full package of information is submitted. We will decide if an adequate level of information has been provided in each case.
The formal discharging of planning conditions may be subject to consultation with other internal departments or external consultees. Where prior discussion/agreement has been sought it would be helpful if a copy of this correspondence is attached alongside the form/drawings/supporting information.
Notification of initiation and non-compliance with conditions↑
Regulations require the submission of a completed Notification of Initiation of Development before you start development on site. You should only submit this once all pre-commencement conditions have been satisfied. Development can only start once we have advised you that all conditions are satisfied and to do otherwise could potentially lead to formal planning enforcement proceedings.
The form below should be completed and submitted along with the necessary supporting information, for consideration by the Development Management Team.
Please note: Due to server restrictions a maximum of 10 files, with a combined size no greater than 19MB maybe submitted through our online form. In the instance where either the total file number, or combined size is reached, please email these direct to us on dc@falkirk.gov.uk quoting the reference number provided at the end of the form. If the file size on an email is breached (approx. 10MB) please send this over in further emails, which are clearly labelled.