Planning enforcement
We can investigate breaches of planning control and take action according to our Planning Enforcement Charter:
We will investigate all complaints, but priority will be given to breaches of planning control including:
- Significant detrimental impact on important environmental matters, especially sensitive or protected environments
- Significant detrimental impact on residential property, particularly where a number of houses are affected
- Significant detrimental effect on public visual amenity
- Breaches of condition in respect of a major development or development where there is a significant level of community interest
- Damage to Listed Buildings
- Breaches of planning control within Conservation Areas
- Unauthorised felling of trees and matters affecting trees protected by Tree Preservation Orders
- Breaches of planning control which undermine any council policies or programmes
We prefer to resolve any disputes through negotiation. However, we can decide to take formal action if negotiation does not solve the issue.
Making an enquiry or complaint↑
You can enquire by telephone or in person, but you should also do so in writing. Written complaints can be made by letter or through our complaint form:
We can treat enquiries and complaints in confidence. However, if there is no evidence, any formal action may be limited.
We will NOT normally act on anonymous complaints.
Development Management
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