Planning reviews and appeals
Planning reviews and the review committee↑
Some applications are decided by an officer on behalf of the Council. This is called a delegated decision. The majority of applications are decided this way. Officers are given this power by our Scheme of Delegation, which is contained in Standing Orders of Falkirk Council.
You have 3 months from the date of your decision notice to ask for a review by the Planning Review Committee.
You can submit your Notice of Review online or to us at the address below:
Different rules apply if your application is decided by the Committee. If you are unhappy with the decision, you have three months from the date of your decision notice to submit an appeal to the Directorate for Planning and Environmental Appeals (DPEA).
Planning Appeals and a copy of your appeal documents can be submitted online or in paper format to DPEA at the address below. You must also send a copy of the appeal documents to us at the same time.