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With the heatwave set to continue, and the temperature predicted to soar tomorrow, what steps should you take to protect yourself from the sun’s harmful rays, especially if you work outdoors for long periods of the day?

Simple measures include:

  • wearing a hat
  • keeping your top on
  • using a high-factor sunscreen
  • staying hydrated and in the shade, especially during breaks and at lunch-time

If you are going to be working hard outside for long periods of the day make sure you’re adequately hydrated before you start working. To check if you are, simple look at the colour of your urine - if it's clear you're hydrated. 

To maintain hydration levels try to consume 250ml of cool or lukewarm water every 15 minutes. If you can’t manage that, try to consume 500ml per hour. Once you’ve finished work you should continue to drink water at this rate until you’re urine is clear.

Regardless of whether you work outdoors for long periods of time or not, it’s also important to check your skin regularly for any unusual moles or spots, as skin cancer is one of the most commonly diagnosed cancers in Scotland. If you do notice something changing size, shape or colour make an appointment to see a doctor immediately.

For more information on sun safety at work, you can download handy leaflets from the Health & Safety Executive: