
Got a spare hour or two every month?  Then sign up to become a volunteer mentor and share your knowledge and experience with S5-S6 pupils as they prepare to embark on a two-year programme to introduce them to the world of work.

The Council, along with 16 other local authorities across Scotland, is working in partnership with national charity Career Ready who deliver the programme.

Lorraine Hamilton, Work Placement Administrator within Children’s Services said: “This programme has been running across the Falkirk Council area for the past three years and is designed to raise aspirations and provide the foundation of a bright future.  We’ve had a great response to mentoring over the years, with over 21 staff volunteering from many areas of the Council, and we hope many more will sign up and get involved this year.”

A sense of achievement all round

Area Estates Co-ordinator, Franca Cianni, signed up two years ago and hasn’t regretted that decision.

She said: “I wasn’t sure what to expect when I volunteered and although your only giving an hour or so of your time every month I did wonder at times if I was taking on too much, what did I have to offer, how could my work life benefit someone else, I had so many questions!

“When I finally met Claire we immediately formed a bond and have enjoyed a great mentoring relationship.  The whole process leaves you with a sense of achievement and a willingness to volunteer again.  I’d urge colleagues to get involved and I’m happy to help if anyone wants to contact me for a quick chat.”

For more information and to register your interest email