
There are currently three policies out for consultation, and we would appreciate if you could take some time to complete the survey and provide feedback. The survey is open until 13 March.

Please see the details of the policies below.

Market Supplement Policy

The Market Supplement Policy is a new proposed policy. Market supplements are designed to support recruitment and retention of staff where there is objective evidence that the rate of pay offered directly contributes to increased workforce turnover or an inability to recruit. It is proposed that Market supplements will only be used on an exception basis when a clear business case is identified and recruitment and retention issues cannot be better addressed by other means. The Policy outlines the process for seeking approval for a market supplement for specific posts including the evidence requirements. It also explains how temporary market supplements can be applied and reviewed.

Dispute Policy

The Disputes Policy provides a clear process to promptly resolve collective disputes. The new policy format has been adopted as a more user friendly approach. Otherwise, only minor changes have been made when compared to the previous policy. These include changes to reflect the revised management structure and to provide increased clarity in terms of the process for unresolved Teacher Disputes.

Family Leave Policy

This policy and supporting guidance has been reviewed and amended as follows:

  • Adding in guidance on foster carers and kinship carers including adding paid leave provisions
  • Adding in guidance from the HSE on protecting new and expectant mothers at work
  • Updating guidance on adoption leave based on updated government guidance on UK and overseas adoption and fostering for adoption
  • Updating paid time off for adopters to attend meetings after they have been matched
  • Providing temporary employees who qualify for OMP/OAP the ability to receive this during their maternity/adoption leave rather than after they return to work for 3 months*
  • Confirming that half OMP for SJC/Craft employees must be repaid if they do not return to work for 3 months
  • Confirming that service has to be 41 weeks during the EWC or week of matching rather than at the beginning of this period
  • Updating the process for Maternity Support Leave to be requested on MyView
  • Added guidance on Shared Cost AVC's
  • Adding in a link to the employee assistance programme

*We will keep this under review and if this causes overpayment situations because employees do not return, we reserve the right to remove this provision

Please take the time to read the policy changes and complete the survey.

Any queries please contact HR Helpdesk directly.