Trees are an important part of our environment in both town and country. They have a significant impact on environmental quality and make a significant contribution to the character of our towns and countryside.

We encourage good tree management and at times this can include pruning or removal of mature trees. Planting of new trees is always welcome to ensure long term tree cover is maintained.

Guidance for householders on protected trees and common neighbourhood tree problems is provided in our You and Your Trees document.

Tree owners should seek advice from an independent arboricultural consultant about tree safety, health and management. Independent legal advice should always be obtained if any disputes occur about trees.

More information about who to contact within the Council regarding tree matters can be found at the bottom of this page.

Trees on privately owned land

The majority of trees in the Falkirk Council area are on privately owned land. These are therefore the property and responsibility of the land owner. The council is only involved with trees on private land where they are protected or may merit protection, where trees are part of a development requiring planning permission, or where their growth and safety could affect public road users or council land.

Trees on Falkirk Council land

Concerns about trees on council land should be reported to our Estates Management team.

If you are a council house tenant you should contact your local Advice and Support Hub regarding proposed tree work or tree matters affecting your garden.

Trees affecting public roads

Tree growth overhanging public roads or potentially dangerous trees on private land adjacent to public roads can sometimes cause a safety issue for traffic and pedestrians.

Issues relating to trees affecting public roads should be reported through the Report a road defect form, by phoning 01324 506070.

Protected trees

Falkirk Council has statutory powers under planning legislation to protect trees by making Tree Preservation Orders (TPOs), designating conservation areas and imposing conditions to retain trees when giving planning permission.

Maps showing the indicative locations covered by TPOs and conservation areas can be found in the Falkirk Local Development Plan. If you are uncertain whether your trees are protected, you should contact Planning and Environment by phoning 01324 504950 or email for a detailed check.

Tree Preservation Orders (TPO)

A TPO is made to protect individual trees, groups of trees or woodlands that have particular amenity value and make a significant contribution to the landscape or townscape. A TPO can also be made to protect trees, groups of trees or woodlands that are of cultural or historical significance.

A TPO is not intended to prevent work being carried out to trees. We encourage management work, carried out in accordance with good arboricultural practice (to British Standard BS3998), to prolong tree life and tree safety. Anyone who wants to carry out work to trees covered by a TPO must have written consent from the Council before the work starts unless the situation is an emergency. Conditions may be applied to the consent to carry out works to trees covered by a TPO.

New Tree Preservation Orders

As planning authority, we have made Falkirk Council TPO Number 8 relating to 2 trees at Glen Etive, Haggs.

The Notice and Order are available to inspect below and at the following locations:

Any objection or representation with respect to the order should be made in writing, within 28 days of the date of the Notice:

Director of Place Services

Suite 1b, Falkirk Stadium
4 Stadium Way

Trees in conservation areas

Conservation areas are areas of special architectural or historic interest, the character of which it is desirable to preserve or enhance. The designation controls building development and also gives trees protection. Anyone proposing to carry out tree work in a conservation area must give the Council 6 weeks notice of their intended tree work. During this period the Council may make a TPO if appropriate, or grant consent for the proposed work on trees.

Planning conditions

Where trees are to be retained as a condition of planning permission we may also make a TPO to protect these in the long term.

Application form for work to protected trees (TPO or in a conservation area)

If you propose to carry out work to trees covered by a TPO or within a conservation area, the form below should be completed and returned to the address shown:

Felling trees: other consents

If you are proposing to fell a number of trees, a felling licence from the Forestry Commission may be required. You should email the local office at or telephone 0300 067 6006 for further details.

Further information

Information on protected trees, common tree problems, and trees on development sites is given in the following guidance documents:

For trees growing on Falkirk Council owned land (Estates Management team), trees affecting public roads (Road Maintenance team), and protected trees / general tree enquiries (Planning & Environment)