Approved food establishments

If your activities involve the slaughter, cutting and packing of raw fresh meat you should contact Food Standards Scotland who are the competent enforcement authority in those cases.

If you intend to manufacture, process, produce or handle products of animal origin (see sample list below) and supply these products to other food businesses, your operations may need to be approved by us.

  • fish or fish products
  • shellfish
  • meat products
  • minced meat and meat preparations
  • dairy products
  • egg products

The activities carried out in approved establishments are more strictly governed and require a higher standard of structure and operating procedures.

Before you apply for food establishment approval you need to contact us to discuss all proposals in respect of the premises, infrastructure, equipment and operational activities. After this discussion we will provide you with an application form for approval.

Scottish National Protocol was published in 2017 and provides detailed information about the approval process.

You cannot operate until approval is granted.

When approval is granted a Notification of Approval is issued listing the specific activities which the establishment is approved to carry out, as well as the specific species of product of animal origin the establishment is approved to handle.

If the business is changing hands, or structural changes are planned, or you want to make additional products you must let us know by emailing You cannot make any changes without seeking prior approval.

Food & Safety