Cooling tower registration

By law, a business with a cooling tower or evaporative condenser has to register with us.

The main purpose of the register is to allow us to identify where potential sources or risk are (such as outbreaks of legionnaires' disease), and allow us to monitor and inspect them more easily.

You should complete the registration form (below) and submit it to On request, we can post a form out to you and you can post it back to us.

The name and address of the company applying to register the cooling tower will be required along with the number of cooling towers to be registered.

There is no cost to register.

Cooling towers notification form
Word Document, 21.7 KB

On receipt of the application form we will enter the cooling tower(s) details onto a public register.

You must also let us know of any changes to the system, or if it's no longer in operation.

Our register of businesses in the area with a cooling tower or evaporative condenser can be found below:

More information on cooling towers and legionella is available on the Health and Safety Executive website.

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Food & Safety