Falkirk Council is legally obligated to provide mandatory grants for certain types of work to support residents with disabilities living in private homes.

The assessment of need is carried out by Social Work Services, Children Services or in some instances, an Occupational Therapist from a Health Team. The assessment will determine the best way to meet your need. It will identify whether you need any support, equipment or an adaptation to your home, if your home is suitable for an adaptation.

To get assistance, please call Social Work Services on 01324 506070 and ask for a Needs Assessment.

The Care and Repair service in Falkirk manages the disabled adaptations grant process for residents in private housing. Mandatory grants can be accessed, for qualifying works, once a supporting assessment is received.

Who is eligible?

This service is available to homeowners and tenants of private landlords in the Falkirk Council area, who are of any age and have a disability or, are aged 60 or over who have been assessed as requiring an adaptation under grant.

How can Care and Repair help you?

We offer a free advice service to:

  • Assist you in the process of adapting your home, along with Social Work
  • Direct you to websites to find suitable Contractors and Professionals for your required works - for example Buy With Confidence which is a website run by Trading Standards
  • Help you apply for an Adaptation or Repair Grant (if required)
  • Signpost you to other agencies that may be able to assist you

Please note: The Care and Repair Service cannot recommend contractors or consultants.

Quotations and job completion timescales

Please be aware you may experience delays in receiving quotes and longer waiting times for jobs to be started/ completed.

What about the cost?

The Care and Repair service is free.

A Mandatory Adaptation Grants is available from us, to help with the cost of certain works including major adaptations (work) for disabled people. This grant will be 80% of the approved cost or 100% depending on your circumstances. Please see Scheme of Assistance for more information.

Sometimes extra help may also be available from benefits agencies or charitable organisations. We can discuss this with you and may be able to signpost you on to appropriate agencies.

Private Sector Team

The Forum
Callendar Business Park