Through care services

Through care is used to provide services to prisoners both during and after their sentence.

The service provided depends on the length of sentence and if the court has imposed compulsory supervision.

The through care service aims to:

  • Help prisoners and their families prepare for release and to resettle in the community
  • Increase community safety and public protection helping to prevent further offending
  • Manage risk

The community supervision team supervise individuals after release from prison.

If the person reoffends, breaks certain conditions, or behaves in a way that concerns us, we will report our concerns to the court or parole board. They will take appropriate action.

Through care includes:

  • Providing support and information to families of people with convictions
  • Working with individuals to prevent them from offending
  • Providing employment advice and support
  • Helping with personal problems
  • Giving advice if an individual has alcohol, drug or gambling problems
  • Helping to find accommodation to meet their needs
  • Providing help with reading, writing and number skills
Justice Services

Brockville Social Work Office
Hope Street