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Black box collections are back on.
Your black box (glass, electrical and textile recycling) collections will start again from Monday 13 April.
You can check when it is scheduled for collection by using our online bin calendar and place the container out as normal on the date of collection.
We are still working hard to reinstate other waste services (including blue and burgundy bins) and any updates will be made on our dedicated Covig-19 webpages.
We’re grateful for the patience of our residents during this difficult time and stress that all out staff are doing everything they can to support communities.
Cllr Paul Garner, spokesperson for the Environment said: “It is a very challenging time for everyone right now with waste and recycling being a very important service that we are aiming to maintain as far as possible. Bringing the black box back on is a positive step forward and we are all working very hard to look longer terms about reinstating other services. We have brought in Falkirk Council staff from elsewhere to help deliver this important service. We’d also like to say that our communities have been supportive of the work that our refuse teams are carrying our and this support is really appreciated.”