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Elected members will consider a report recommending the permanent closure of Blackness Primary School and the rezoning of its catchment area to Grange Primary School at an Executive meeting on 13 February.

The proposal follows a statutory consultation process in line with the Schools (Consultation) (Scotland) Act 2010. The consultation gathered views from parents, pupils, staff, and the local community, and included engagement with Education Scotland. 

The report highlights that Blackness Primary School has had consistently low pupil numbers, with only 10 catchment pupils enrolled in 2024/25. This has resulted in a significantly higher cost per pupil, with an annual cost of £25,004 per pupil in 2023/24, compared to a council-wide average of £6,576.

The proposal is based on ensuring pupils have access to a broader curriculum, more peer learning opportunities, and enhanced social and extracurricular experiences available in a larger school setting, that will help in the transition to secondary school.

If approved, Blackness Primary School would close at the end of the 2024/25 school year, with pupils enrolling at Grange Primary School from June 2025. Falkirk Council would work closely with parents, carers, and staff to support pupils throughout the process.

Jon Reid, Director of Education Services said: "This is a difficult decision, and we recognise the concerns of pupils, families, and the local community. However, the Council must balance educational benefits with long-term sustainability.

“We recognise that the majority of responses opposed the closure, reflecting local concerns, which have been carefully considered—particularly those related to the Community Hall, which we have committed to supporting for three years.

“This proposal seeks to ensure that all children receive the best possible learning opportunities within the resources available, considering the high costs per-pupil at Blackness Primary.”