School life

School complaints

If you want to make a complaint about a school or nursery, please contact the school head teacher or nursery head teacher or manager in the first instance.

You can make your complaint in person, by phone, by email, or in writing. Please complain about any problem within six months of it happening.

Schools and Nurseries will try to deal with your complaint quickly - usually within five working days. If it is clear that the matter will need a detailed investigation, we will tell you and keep you updated on our progress. We try to respond to complex complaints within 20 working days.

We use the information from complaints to try to improve our services to prevent the same problems happening again.

The Scottish Public Services Ombudsman (SPSO)

If, after receiving our final decision on your complaint, you remain dissatisfied with the way we handled your complaint, you can ask the SPSO to consider it.

We will tell you how to do this when we send you our final decision. For more information please go to the Scottish Public Services Ombudsman website.