Disabled person's parking permit (Blue Badge Scheme)

How to Apply

You can contact us for an application form:

or alternatively you can apply online:

Apply for a Blue Badge

The Blue Badge Scheme provides parking concessions nationally and across Europe for people with a permanent and substantial disability, whether that person is the driver or a passenger.

The holder of a Blue Badge is permitted to park in areas normally subject to restrictions to assist them to access healthcare, shops and other facilities.

Full details of eligibility criteria are included in the application form.

Transport Scotland launched a pilot scheme on 01 April 2016 that extends the eligibility criteria for the Blue Badge scheme to people with a diagnosed mental disorder and/or cognitive impairment. For details, please see Blue Badge Scheme - Pilot - Extension to Eligibility or contact us on 01324 503131.

Scottish Low Emission Zone (LEZ) Exemption System

The Scottish LEZ Exemption System is now live. If you are a Blue Badge holder, you can register your vehicle for an LEZ exemption.

The Vehicle Checker allows you to enter your vehicle registration number to check if your vehicle will comply with LEZ standards.

More information on the Blue Badge holder exemptions can be found on the official LEZ website.

Frequently asked questions

What are the criteria for a Blue Badge

To qualify for a Blue Badge you must meet one of the following criteria:

  • Be receiving the Higher Rate of the Mobility Component of Disability Living Allowance.
  • Be registered as blind or severely sight impaired.
  • Be assessed as scoring at least eight points in the "Moving Around" portion of the Personal Independence Payment.
  • Be assessed as scoring 12 points in the "Planning and Following Journeys" portion of the Personal Independence Payment.
  • Be receiving the War Pensioners Mobility Supplement.
  • Be receiving benefit under the Armed Forces Compensation Scheme (within tariff levels 1-8).

If you do not meet the criteria above you may be required to attend an independent medical assessment to confirm that you are "unable to walk" or "virtually unable to walk".

Which application form do I need to complete?

There are 3 application forms for a Blue Badge:

Form A (Blue) should be filled in by applicants who:

  • Are in receipt of the Higher Rate of the Mobility Component of Disability Living Allowance (DLA)
  • Are in receipt of the Mobility Component of Personal Independence Payment (PiP) ("Moving Around" or "Planning or Following Journeys" descriptors)
  • Are in receipt of War Pensioners Mobility Supplement
  • Are in receipt of a lump sum benefit under the Armed Forces and Reserve Forces (Compensation) scheme within tariff levels 1-8 (inclusive)
  • Are registered blind (severely sight impaired).

Form B (Yellow) should be filled in by applicants who:

  • Are not in receipt of the benefits listed above
  • Are not registered blind (severely sight impaired)
  • Who are unable to walk or virtually unable to walk
  • Who have a disability in both arms
  • Are under the age of 3.

Form C (Salmon) should be filled in by organisations who require an organisational Blue Badge.

The Guidance Notes (D) provide detailed information on all 3 forms above.

All application forms, along with Guidance Notes which provide detailed information on all 3 forms are available on request from transportplanning@falkirk.gov.uk / 01324 503131.

I have been issued with a DS1500. Will I be required to attend an independent medical assessment?

If you have sent a copy of the DS1500 with your application, you will not be required to attend an independent medical assessment.

I have been asked to attend an independent medical assessment. Can I bring a relative or a friend with me?

Yes, you can bring one relative or friend with you.

How long does it take to process a Blue Badge application?

It can take up to six weeks for a Blue Badge application to be processed.

How much does a Blue Badge cost?

A Blue Badge costs £20.

Applicants qualifying for a Blue Badge who are in receipt of the Armed Forces and Reserve Forces (Compensation) Scheme within tariff levels 1-8 (inclusive) or by being in receipt of the War Pensioner’s Mobility Supplement are not required to pay the £20 charge.

How do I get my Blue Badge when it is ready?

Blue Badges will be posted directly to the applicant when their application is approved and payment has been made. 

My Blue Badge has been lost or stolen. Can I get a replacement?

Yes, please log in or register for a My Falkirk account and search for 'replace a blue badge'.

If your Blue Badge has been stolen, you will need a crime reference number to get a replacement.

There is a £10 charge for a replacement Blue Badge and the replacement will have the same expiry date as the original.

How do I renew my Blue Badge?

A Blue Badge cannot be renewed - you must apply for a new one. Please apply at least six weeks before your current Blue Badge runs out.

How long does a Blue Badge last?

Blue Badges can be valid for up to three years. If you receive Disability Living Allowance or Personal Independence Payment, the Blue Badge will be issued to the end of your current award. For example, if your Disability Living Allowance award is for two years, your Blue Badge will be issued for two years.

Can I apply for a Blue Badge for a temporary medical condition?

A Blue Badge will not be issued for temporary medical conditions that are expected to last for less than one year.

Can I use disabled parking bays with my Blue Badge?

Yes, you can use any marked disabled parking bay with your Blue Badge.

Can I park anywhere with my Blue Badge?

A leaflet with information about where you can and cannot park is sent to successful applicants.

Can someone else use my Blue Badge to run errands for me?

No. It is a criminal offence to allow someone else to use your Blue Badge.

Can I sit in the car while someone else goes into a shop for me?

No. It is a criminal offence to sit in the car using the Blue Badge for parking concessions whilst an able-bodied person goes into a shop (or other premises) for you.

Can my Blue Badge be withdrawn if it is misused?

Yes. This includes misuse of your Blue Badge by someone else.

Can I use my Blue Badge abroad?

The Blue Badge can be used in other European Union member states and some other countries around the world. It is important to check the rules of the country that you are travelling to.

I have access to more than one vehicle. Can I have more than one Blue Badge?

No. It is your responsibility to move your Blue Badge between vehicles.

I am concerned about Blue Badge Abuse. Who should I report it to?

If you have concerns about Blue Badge misuse, please contact Police Scotland on 101.

What should I do with a Blue Badge if the holder has died?

When a Blue Badge holder dies, the Blue Badge should be returned to Falkirk Council.