Street lighting

Report a street lighting or illuminated bollard/traffic sign fault

Our street lighting team are responsible for the maintenance of approximately 25,000 street lights, illuminated signs and illuminated traffic bollards.

You can also contact us by:

Telephone: 01324 506070

or the online form below:

General enquiry form

Street lighting for new developments

Developers are responsible for providing street lights on new roads and footpaths that we are to adopt and also for any alterations that may be needed to street lights on our existing roads.

Developers are also responsible for:

  • Lighting and electrical design.
  • The supply and installation of all equipment.
  • Painting of street lights and other street furniture where appropriate.
  • Testing of the complete installation.
  • Maintenance of the installation until we adopt the road.

We can provide developers with a comprehensive quotation for a road lighting design service and/or a road lighting installation service on request.

Developers may apply for a quotation by contacting us via the details below: