Travel plans

A travel plan aims to reduce traffic and encourage green travel. Travel plans are commonly used by businesses and workplaces. They can also be applied to residential and commercial developments to reduce the impact of a development on the surrounding roads.

A successful travel plan will give a workplace or development a range of travel options to and from a site. A Travel Plan will benefit the employer and their employees, but also the surrounding residents, communities and environment.

When creating a Travel Plan, it is important to make each individual aware of all the travel choices available to them.

Developers who need to submit a travel plan as part of their development can find out more information in the Supplementary Planning Guidance, available on request from

For further information on travel plans, please visit Choose Another Way.


Monitoring of travel plans £33.60 per hour
Fee for carrying out Automatic Tube Count £121.50 per day
Fee for carrying out Manual Classified Count £9.90 per hour / per person

Frequently asked questions

  1. What are the benefits of a travel plan?
  2. What’s involved in producing a travel plan?
  3. How can I arrange personalised travel planning for staff in my organisation?

What are the benefits of a travel plan?

There are many benefits of introducing a travel plan, including:

  • Improved health and fitness, reduced stress levels and improved quality of life
  • Better awareness of different travel options
  • Less traffic on the roads and lower demand for parking
  • Improved public transport services
  • Reduced overspill parking in residential areas
  • Reduced air and noise pollution
  • Possible environmental accreditation for your company
  • Financial savings

What’s involved in producing a travel plan?

The key steps in introducing a Travel Plan are:

  1. Secure senior management support
  2. Identify roles and responsibilities
  3. Undertake a site assessment and staff travel survey
  4. Define your goals and set targets
  5. Identify measures and travel options
  6. Monitor, review and report progress
  7. Raise awareness and market your plan

How can I arrange personalised travel planning for staff in my organisation?

You can get in touch with our Transport Planning Unit. They can discuss travel planning with you and arrange travel planning sessions for your staff.

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