FAQs: Applications
When should I submit an application form?↑
If you are aged 16 on or before 30th September, in order to get payments from the start of term, we'll need to receive your application by 30th September. If you don't apply until later, you'll only be paid from the date we receive your application.
If your 16th birthday is between 1st October and 28th February, you can get payments from the start of term in January. We'll need to receive your application by 28th February.
If we receive your application between 1st March and 31st March, you'll only be paid from the date we receive your application.
The cut off for applications for each school year is 31st March.
Please Note: If you are working under an Activity Agreement, this is different. Contact us for further information.
What happens once I have submitted my application?↑
Once you have successfully submitted your application you should receive a confirmation email with your unique reference number. If you do not receive this email, please contact us.
The team will then assess each application based on the information held and any supporting evidence you have submitted. This may take up to 6 weeks from the date we receive your application during peak times. Once we have assessed your application we will notify you of the outcome, or if necessary, contact you to request additional information or evidence.
Make sure you regularly check your emails. All notifications regarding your application will be issued by email where possible.
What if I am unable to provide all the information required?↑
You should submit your application even if you don't have all the information the application form states you need. The date that we receive your form can make a huge difference to the date we can pay you from (i.e. you miss the 30 September or 28 February deadlines).
If you still need to provide further evidence to support your application you can upload documents at any time via our online postbox. Alternatively, you can hand your evidence in to your nearest Advice and Support Hub.
What is a Learning Agreement?↑
A Learning Choices Agreement (LA) is like a contract between you and your school/activity agreement worker. It shows what you intend to study and the level to which you will work. The conditions of entitlement also cover the aims and standards of conduct - uniform policy for example, and the need to meet all elements of your study programme, such as handing in work on time. You must satisfy these conditions in order to receive payments.
You will need to complete the Learning Agreement and agree to the conditions of entitlement as part of your online application form, and we will pass this on to your school if/when your application has been approved.
What period does the application cover?↑
For school pupils, an EMA session ends in line with the summer term in June. However, if you are in S6, you can only be paid until the end of the exam period, which is usually in May.
If you are returning to school the following year, you'll need to re-apply. You can usually apply for EMA from June.
What if I change my address or my bank account?↑
If you change your address, bank account, or email address you need to let us know as soon as you can, otherwise you might not receive payments, or we might send important information about your payments to the wrong address.
Change forms are available to download from the EMA page. Please complete these and return to the EMA Assessments Team as soon as possible.
Can I apply if there is another young person in my family who gets EMA?↑
Yes, if there is another young person in the household you may both be able to get EMA.
This will depend on your household circumstances. A higher income threshold applies where there is more than one young person in full time education.
Visit the EMA Scotland website for more information on the thresholds.
Does EMA affect my other benefits?↑
No, EMA doesn’t affect the amount paid in household benefits. If you are an independent student and you get state benefits such as Income Support, you may be asked to declare your EMA income to DWP, but it shouldn’t change the amount of benefit you get.