Gambling premises licences
We grant premises licences under the Gambling Act 2005.
There are 5 types of premises licence available for gambling:
- Betting Shops (including Track Betting)
- Family Entertainment Centres
- Bingo Halls
- Adult Gaming Centres
- Casinos
Once your licence is granted it does not expire, although you will have to pay an annual retention fee. You can apply to us to change, transfer or surrender your licence.
For information about operating licences and personal licences, please contact the Gambling Commission.
How to apply
Before you can apply for a premises licence, you must already have an operating licence. You must give notice to the public that you are applying for a premises licence. You should do this by posting information on the outside of the premises and in the local press.
You can download the premises licence application form and the 'notice of application' forms (forms 15 and 16), from the Gambling Commission’s website.
You should read the guidance notes before you fill in the application form.
Your completed application form, supporting documentation and fee should be sent to: