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Falkirk Council
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Bins, rubbish and recycling
Household waste, rubbish and litter, trade waste
Births, deaths and marriages
Register a birth, certificates, civil partnerships
Business and investment
Business rates, business development, commercial activities
Children and families
Adoption, fostering, early learning, childcare
Council and democracy
Elections, councillors, community councils
Crime and antisocial behaviour
Fraud, hate incidents, scams
Food safety, animal health, health and safety
Fees and charges
Council Tax, how to pay, reductions, exemptions
Getting help and support
Cost of living support, personal budgeting, benefit fraud
Homes and property
Council housing, homelessness, pay your rent
Law and licensing
Trading standards, licensing
People and communities
Community assets, equality and diversity
Planning and building standards
Building warrants, planning permission, local planning
Roads, parking and transport
Roads maintenance, gritting, parking fines
Schools and education
School meals, holiday dates, admissions, early learning
Social care and health
Health and wellbeing, care at home, help for carers
Sports, leisure and culture
Arts, events, libraries, fitness
Working for Falkirk Council
Employee information, jobs, careers advice, work experience
Law and licensing
Businesses, premises and venues licenses
Licenses, permits and permissions
Caravan site licence
Erection and use of a raised structure
Gambling premises licences
House in multiple occupation licence
Knife dealer licences
Late hours catering licence
Market operator licence
Metal dealer licence
Permission to hold a Public Charitable Collection
Second hand dealer licence
Sex establishment licence
Short term lets
Licensing information
Skin piercing and tattooing licence
Street trader licence
Venison dealers licence
Window cleaner's licence
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