Late hours catering licence

You will need a Late Hours Catering Licence if you sell meals or refreshments between 11:00pm and 5:00am. The hours permitted in our current policy allow you to trade to different times depending on whether your premises are in a residential or non-residential area. Please contact us for confirmation of the hours you can apply for. If you apply for hours outwith the current policy, your application will automatically be determined at a meeting of the Civic Licensing Committee.

You do not need a licence if, in relation to that property, there is:

  • a Premises Licence in terms of the Licensing (Scotland) Act 2005; or
  • a Public Entertainment Licence in terms of the Civic Government (Scotland) Act 1982; and
  • meals or refreshments are only offered within licensed operating hours.

The Council may, on application made to them, exempt the use of premises requiring a late hours catering licence from the requirement to have such a licence:

  1. in respect of any particular occasion; or
  2. during a specified period not exceeding 2 months in any period of 12 months.

How to apply

The late hours catering licence application form is available to download.

We are working towards an online application process and reviewing our forms and guidance notes.



You can also get application forms and more information on late hours catering licences by contacting us:

See also