What is involved in NPPV 2 & NPPV 3 vetting

Police Scotland Vetting Unit undertakes NPPV on behalf of Falkirk Council.

The requirements for NPPV 2 and NPPV 3 vetting are as follows:


The individual member of staff must provide their full details, address/s for the past 5 years as well as details of their:

  • spouse/partner
  • any children (including dependants and stepchildren)
  • any other person resident at their current address.

All are subject of checks which include all conviction information, spent and unspent, and any other non-conviction information considered to be relevant by the police or other Government bodies. In addition, individual members of staff must provide details of their financial circumstances and those of their spouse/civil partner/partner, in the last 10 years (including details of any court orders, repossession, bankruptcy, debt referral orders etc).


The individual member of staff must provide their full details, address/s for the past 10 years as well as details of their:

  • spouse/partner
  • previous spouse/partners
  • parents/step parents/guardians
  • any children (including dependants and stepchildren)
  • brother(s)/sister(s) and half/step and brother(s)/sister(s)
  • any other person resident at their current address.
  • secondary employment/business interests
  • financial circumstances and those of their spouse/civil partner/partner, in last 10 years (including details of any court orders, repossession, bankruptcy, debt referral orders etc).

All are subject of checks which include all conviction information, spent and unspent, and any other non conviction information considered to be relevant by the police or other Government bodies.

What happens if a candidate fails NPPV vetting?

Where a candidate fails the vetting clearance applied for, the Vetting Unit will inform the candidate, and only the candidate, of the reason for the failure. It is up to the individual candidate to decide whether to disclose the reason to their line manager, however; if the reason is deemed to be a serious risk to the organisation,Police Scotland will make a pro-active disclosure.

If the candidate and/or their line manager believes there are mitigating or other influencing circumstances that may have affected the application, an appeal can be made to the Police Scotland Vetting Unit. The application will be re-assessed again in light of the new information by an independent review officer and the outcome will be made known to the candidate. The decision at this stage is final.

Financial failure

If the failure is as a result of financial concerns and an appeal is made, the Vetting Unit may contact the organisation concerned, if agreed to by the candidate. They will discuss further the reasons surrounding the decision with a view to resolving if further assurances and conditions are met.