
How to do a redeployment search

This "How to" provides guidance relating to redeployment searches as well as responsibilities of employees and managers throughout this process.

Registering for vacancies

All vacancies are advertised on the myjobscotland website. Employees should keep a regular check on this website to keep up to date with available vacancies.

Employees should also register on as soon as possible, once they have started the redeployment process. Employees can also register to receive vacancy updates from myjobscotland so they receive notifications of external vacancies being advertised. These are not part of the redeployment process but may assist employees in finding suitable alternative employment.

Guidance for registering for vacancy alerts is available from Staffing & Recruitment at

General principles

  • There is no requirement for Falkirk Council to create a new post for the purposes of redeployment.

  • Redeployees are expected to play an active role in their job search, by checking the vacancies and applying for posts directly using the normal recruitment application process on myjobscotland. All applications should be made before the closing date.

  • Both permanent and temporary posts should be considered, as a temporary post may offer an opportunity for training and work experience before a permanent post becomes available. Temporary posts must be available for a minimum of 12 weeks to be considered suitable for redeployment.

  • Services must consider all redeployment applications.

  • Where a redeployee meets the essential criteria of a post they must be considered for the post as a priority interview.

  • When considering a post for redeployment it may not always be possible to identify posts similar in grade, status or hours to the redeployee's substantive role. Redeployees are encouraged to consider all vacancies and be flexible when considering opportunities at a different grade, working hours or location.

  • If a post is offered, there will be no personal pay protection where the new post is graded lower than the substantive post, but placing within the new grade will be at a level to minimise any difference.

  • If a temporary post is secured, the redeployee will be eligible for further period(s) of redeployment search before the end of the temporary post.

  • During the redeployment period, the substantive line manager will retain management responsibility for the redeployee and the redeployment process.

  • If an employee is successful in securing a new temporary post following a redeployment search, management responsibility will pass to the recruiting manager. In situations where the employee is given the opportunity for temporary work experience to enhance their skills or experience during the redeployment period, management responsibility will remain with the substantive manager.

Identifying redeployment opportunities

When an employee identifies a post that may be suitable for redeployment they should apply for this directly on myjobscotland.

Employees should take the time to tailor their application to the post they are applying for as the recruiting manager will assess the application against the skills/qualifications required for that particular post. If an employee meets the essential criteria for the post the manager will arrange to meet with them for an informal chat.

Due to the number of individuals in the redeployment process at any given time, there may be other redeployees with a similar skill set who are interested in the same vacancy. In these circumstances a competitive selection process may be required.

Support from Human Resources is available to employees for completion of application forms and interviews. Employees can contact HR Helpdesk at

Work trials

If an employee meets the essential criteria of the post and, following an informal chat or interview, are successful they will be offered a work trial. This is a two-way process to give both employee and the recruiting manager time to decide whether the new job is suitable.

A redeployment work trial will normally last 4 weeks although this may be extended where the recruiting manager feels that this will not allow for a reasonable period of assessment. The extension period should be for no more than 2 weeks.

Further details relating to work trials can be found in How to implement and support work trials.

Failure to secure an alternative post

If an employee does not secure a suitable alternative post, or a work trial has been unsuccessful, their substantive manager will arrange to meet with them to discuss the next steps.

Employees should only be referred back for a further period of redeployment in exceptional circumstances and any decision relating to this should be clearly documented. Any extension to the redeployment search would normally be for a maximum of 6 weeks.