Documents: view and add

Viewing and adding your team's documents in MyView

Viewing your team's documents

  • On your MyView Dashboard Home Page; click on the My People tab at the top left of your screen
  • Click select next to the employee you wish to view documents for (the options on the left hand side will change when you have selected your employee)
  • On the left hand side list of options, select My Team's Documents, then the document type you'd like to view, eg Contract Documents

You will then be able to view that employee's documents (select categories from the left hand side menu).

Adding a document to an employee within your team in MyView

Save the document you wish to upload:

Save the document as a pdf (choose PDF from the Save as Type drop-down when saving).

If you wish to upload a paper document (eg a signed copy), first scan this and save as a pdf.

Please note that once a document has been saved as a pdf it will become uneditable.

If a document has both an unsigned and signed copy, they should be saved separately. Please make it clear in your file name to allow you to identify the difference between them.

Add the document to the employee's record within MyView:

  • As a manager you will also have the option to upload documents for your team.*
  • To add the documents, select the category you would like to add the document to, you will then have the option to Upload a new document
  • To upload, click browse, then choose the document you would like to upload from your files.
  • Pick the category you would like to add the document to eg "Confidential – 121 Document" and add any comments, then Submit to add the document to the employee's record.

File names

When saving documents please name them using the following format:

  • Description should be short but meaningful, eg Change Letter
  • Version should be "V1", "V2", "V3"...,UNSIGNED, SIGNED or FINAL
  • Example file name: 123456, Bloggs, Change Letter, 01.01.16, FINAL

Due to the sensitive nature of the documents it is essential that the filename begins with the employee number to allow audit checks to take place.

Once you are confident that the document has uploaded successfully, ie you can see it on your MyView as an attachment, please delete the original from your files and destroy any paper copies.

*Employees will have access to view their own documents through MyView but will not see confidential file notes. Any documents uploaded to an employee record can only be viewed by their own manager and the employee themselves, ie employees cannot see their colleague's documents and managers can only see employees within their team.