Fake clothing and other goods seized by local authorities have been donated to a charity that specialises in recycling and upcycling counterfeit items.
Around 440kg of illicit goods were handed over to Sports Traider early in December 2019, after an operation led by Falkirk Council and involving Trading Standards teams from East Lothian, Fife and Angus.
Fake designer clothing will be rebranded and given a second life, with brands such as Mulberry, Nike, Hugo Boss and The North Face just some of the big names being copied.
The seized garments have now been given a second life, being used to help homeless people, the disadvantaged, and military wounded across the United Kingdom.
Some of the bogus clothing is used to make toys, whilst other garments are rebranded and sold on the Sports Traider website – with money raised helping disabled and disadvantaged people gain employment, training and sporting opportunities.
Seized goods
Along with clothing, alcohol and DVDs, illicit tobacco and cigarettes are often seized with the help of specialist detection dogs.
Other items such as trainers and tyres are shredded and used in the building of children’s playgrounds and parks, while counterfeit alcohol can be used to make air fresheners.
The majority of items seized by Trading Standards were from individuals selling illicit goods through social media, car boot sales, markets or their own homes.
Kirstie Crosson, Falkirk Council’s Trading Standards Coordinator, said:
“We're happy that seized counterfeit goods can be used to benefit charitable causes.
“Once associated court cases for such goods are concluded and the goods are forfeited, it’s left to the Council to find funds for incineration or landfill. With partnerships like Sports Traider, these costs are eliminated.
“It also helps us reduce the environmental impact of disposing the goods, though in some cases the goods cannot be recycled or reused because of safety concerns.
“We’ll continue to do everything in our power to protect Falkirk’s consumers from harm.”
Trading Standards Officers act on behalf of consumers and businesses, advising on and enforcing national laws that govern the way we buy, sell, rent and hire goods and services. Trading Standards seize and dispose of illegal goods.