A-Z of services A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Topics Racism Equality and diversity Hate crime Raffles Small society lotteries Railways Bus stops and shelters Journey planning Park and ride Planned transport service changes Real time transport information Transport service disruption information Transport tickets and passes Transport timetable information Travel plans Rates Non-domestic rates Non-domestic rates relief Records Archives Records management Records Management Recycling Bins, rubbish & recycling Clinical household waste Composters Recycling bags and containers Recycling points Residential recycling collections Trade waste bins Trade waste collection Recycling centres Trade waste recycling centres Refuse Bins, rubbish & recycling Brown bins Clinical household waste Composters Flytipping Hazardous waste collection Help with your bins Household recycling and waste collection Litter bins Litter removal Recycling bags and containers Recycling centres Recycling points Request a bulky uplift Skip permits Trade waste bins Trade waste collection Trade waste recycling centres What goes in my bins? Regeneration Poverty Strategy Registers Business property register Councillors declaration of interest Electoral register Housing associations Public roads Registration Birth registration Marriage Registration and Ceremonies Registering a death Stillbirth registration Rents Council rent Deposit Guarantee Scheme Difficulties paying your Council rent Repairs Communal housing repairs Disabilities & sensory impairment - Adaptations and aids Factoring Help maintaining, adapting or repairing your home Help with adaptations and repairs Home adaptations House surveying - major repairs Housing repairs Improvements and modernisation Repatriation of bodies Repatriation of bodies Report a bonfire Nuisances Reports (Council) Committees Repossessions Difficulties paying your Council rent Residential care Care homes for adults and older people Residential care for children and young people Respite care Help for young people with a disability Short breaks for Carers Young Carers Support Restaurants Late hours catering licence Riding Riding establishment licence Right to buy Right to buy your home Rights of way Core paths Paths and walks Ring 'n' Ride Dial-a-Journey Road markings Access protection markings Road safety Cycle training Cycling to school Pedestrian crossings Road safety cameras Roads weight limits School crossing patrols Speed humps Traffic lights Traffic orders Roads Access protection markings Bridge maintenance Bus stops and shelters Cycle lanes and routes Gritting Litter bins Parking permits Pay a parking fine Public roads Road maintenance Road permits Road signs Roads weight limits Skip permits Street cleaning Street lighting Street names and numbering Tourist signs Traffic lights Yellow lines Rubbish Brown bins Clinical household waste Composters Flytipping Hazardous waste collection Household recycling and waste collection Litter bins Litter removal Recycling bags and containers Recycling centres Recycling points Request a bulky uplift Residential recycling collections Skip permits Trade waste bins Trade waste collection Trade waste recycling centres What goes in my bins? Services A-Z of servicesFrequently asked questionsService disruptionsServices by departmentBenefits & supportBins, rubbish & recyclingBirths, deaths & marriagesBusiness & investmentChildren & familiesCouncil & democracyCouncil taxCrime & antisocial behaviourEnvironmentHomes & propertyJobs & careersLaw & licensingLibrariesPeople & communitiesPlanning & building standardsRoads, parking & transportSchools & educationSocial care & healthSport, leisure & cultureTourism & visitor attractions ▼ Show related pages